Our Kansas State University Salina Aerospace and Technology LIFE Groups are student, staff co-led small groups meeting Thursday nights at 8pm at 621 Westport Blvd (North entrance). Students also have an open invitation to join in with any LIFE Group currently meeting at any location in Salina. Use this link to see the latest LIFE groups time and place details:

LIFE groups are the heart of our ministry here at Christian Challenge. These small groups of 4-8 people are for college students to gather together on campus and develop close relationships with others in the group. In LIFE groups, there are 4 purposes we keep in mind while meeting together:

L earning Biblical Truth
I ntercession
F ellowship
E xtending LIFE to others

Our goal in these LIFE groups is to glorify God through learning truth, praying for each other, deepening friendships, and reaching out to others. These groups cater to real life issues that young people face in their post high school years.

If you would like more info about LIFE Groups at Kansas State send us a message through this form!